Our Links Are:
Coogee Care Centre Sustainability's Website has fascinating facts about plants, gardening and much much more! It is our main portal.
This is our Website for all our members. We would love to have you sign up.
Swim Stars Club is part of NSW Swimming and is run by their President. Their head coach Trish Daly is coaching Squads at All Sorts Fitness & Wellbeing Centre. Trish's Assistant: Andrew Duncan is also taking part. Swim Stars offers you a great opportunity to compete with other swimmers.
Kavanagh's Pharmacy is run by the K's. It has cheap prices for all its stock!
CCC is run by several staff of their own. It runs in OOSH.
CPS has great Sustainability and is great for learning.
CPS Sustainability Committee is run by a few parent volunteers who try to make CPS a better place.
CPS P&C tries to improve our (children's) future.
Puggles Club is a blog all about saving platypuses.